Aftership is a shipment tracking application and API for eCommerce retailers and buyers.

This site is written in Express as the Node.js web framework. We use Jade (Now it’s renamed to Pug) as the template engine. Compiling Jade files in grunt tasks.

We grabbed all the designs in Sketch from UX/UI designers. Styles are written in Bootstrap-v4 in BEM approach.

The code is well organized by HTML5 semantic elements, for more SEO-friendly site structure.

This is the first project when I entered this company where I developed my front-end skills. The most challenging part is to pick up new technologies that I have not used before. But I kinda enjoy those because the tools actually help writing static site more faster and cleaner, lead to a more quality product we have. I would say finishing up this project is a huge sense of success.

www revamp

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April 2016


  • Jade
  • Expressjs
  • CSS Modules (Bootstrap-v4)
  • Full Responsive
  • JQuery

www revamp

www revamp

www revamp